Are You at Risk of Making a Bad Hiring Decision?

guy upset

According to the US Department of Labor, making a bad hire can cost you — 30 percent of the employee’s salary, to be specific, although that number can easily climb depending on position, seniority, and industry. This is an astonishing price that can have a massive impact on businesses of all sizes, yet many companies are…

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Soft Skills to Help Your Career Hit the Big Time

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You’ve got a reputation for being the best coder/editor/mechanic/whatever, but it amounts to little if you don’t work well with others. Some of the most important professional skills for workers and employers alike simply can’t be taught in a classroom or measured on paper. These traits are called soft skills and they’re more crucial to…

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Use This Conversation to Help Employees Find Their Purpose


Purpose-led organizations are the wave of the future. Forty-three percent of workers say that finding meaning in their work is very important to their job satisfaction, and nearly one-third of job seekers say they’d be willing to take pay cuts for jobs they were more passionate about. Purpose-oriented workers tend to be loyal high achievers, but it’s not enough to stencil…

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Sell the Version of Yourself That Gets What You Deserve: 5 Tips

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It’s hard not to get angry when you’re passed over for a promotion that goes to someone with less experience. Your head probably explodes a little bit every time someone interrupts you while you’re making an important point during a staff meeting — especially if that same person does it again and again, as if…

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